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1. Konsultasi Muamalah Bisnis Syariah dan Keuangan Syariah.webp
2. Konsultasi Muamalah Bisnis Syariah dan Keuangan Syariah.webp

Basic human nature that tends to treasure (mal) often creates problems and even leads to disputes and hostility. The desire to get instant profits is often taken advantage of by certain parties, but on the other hand concern for good business mechanisms is also often ignored. Financial Services Authority in Indonesia (OJK) revealed that in the last 5 years, from 2017 to 2022, the people in Indonesia has suffered a loss of Rp. 21 trillion due to fraudulent investment. The mode run by this bulging investment is the promise of fantastic profits in a short period of time. In fact, fatal mistakes in investing can be avoided, if the parties clearly understand the common goals in investing, do not prioritize their own interests, and follow the rules that apply. However, if the parties collectively realize the need for a third party to provide an objective assessment, so that there is no conflict of interest, then is ready to provide assistance in investing through Muamalah consulting, Sharia business and finance. We are also ready to provide assistance if the goal of looking for wealth is not only for oneself, but also for other people, then consulting on social contracts (tabarru) is the choice.

3. Literasi dan Pelatihan Muamalah Komperhensif.webp
4. Literasi dan Pelatihan Muamalah Komperhensif.webp

The knowledge and ability of Muamalah is very important for every Muslim, but it needs to be recognized that the horizontal relationship contained in Islam has not become an important part of most Muslims in Indonesia. This can be seen from the market share of Sharia banking which is still below 7% of all national banks, meaning that more than 92% of the banking market in Indonesia still approves of usury practices, not to mention the market share of the Sharia non-bank financial industry (IKNB) which is still below 5%. In addition to what is seen from the Sharia financial industry, knowledge of Muamalah in more real life is also not seen significantly, such as knowledge about Shirkkah (the form of company in Muamalah), Sharia business contracts to the calculation of zakat, inheritance, wills etc., contained in the tabarru contract (mutual help). Therefore Profit Bersih Indonesia Ltd., considers it urgent to provide literacy services and training in the field of Muamalah at an affordable cost, so that one of the Maqashid Sharia, namely the property of Muslims, can be well maintained, through training that forms every Muslim by himself to have qualified Muamalah knowledge and abilities.

5. Konversi Konvensional ke Perusahaan Syariah.webp
6. Konversi Konvensional ke Perusahaan Syariah.webp

With the majority of the population of Muslims, Indonesia needs Sharia financial institutions that are not only numerous but also of high quality, because for some people, the desire to Sharia the Indonesian people is actually used by establishing financial institutions under the guise of Sharia. Currently, in terms of quantity alone, financial institutions, especially Islamic microfinance institutions that have a lower middle market segmentation such as BMT or Sharia Cooperatives, are not many. Of the more than 127 thousand cooperatives in Indonesia, the number in the form of BMT or Sharia Cooperatives is less than 10%. Thus the conversion of financial institutions becomes a very important thing in Indonesia, Profit Bersih Indonesia Ltd. itself provides services and assistance for financial institutions that are undergoing the conversion process from conventional financial institutions to Islamic financial institutions. Even not only financial institutions, but also companies that want their management and finance to be Sharia-based, including financing is Sharia financing.

7. Riset Ekonomi Syariah dengan Berbagai Metode Penelitian.webp
8. Riset Ekonomi Syariah dengan Berbagai Metode Penelitian.webp

The existence of research is central to the development of the Islamic economy, both macro and micro. Especially for companies, success in achieving targets cannot be separated from professional and valid research results. The right research method is the key to strong useful research results, wrong in determining research methods, the impact will be further from the targets and goals to be achieved. We Profit BersihIndonesia Ltd. highly upholds objective and transparent research results, not least the research results are used for more general interests.

Diskusi dengan rekan kerja

Why Us?

In the modern era, business continues to grow increasingly complex, various challenges and changes encourage business people to do various things to get profit.

Consumer satisfaction is now not the only way to make a profit, but it has transformed towards social responsibility.

The latest developments even show that business people consciously want good and right business.

Blessing is the main goal of business people in seeking profit. So holistically: profit, consumer satisfaction, and social responsibility, are goals in the blessing.

But blessings in doing business are the result of joint work, therefore having a partner who understands business and Muamalah is a necessity.

We Profit Bersih Indonesia Ltd. is committed to being a partner in doing business and Muamalah, with our four main services namely consulting, literacy, conversion and research. 

We are supported by a team that has Sharia and Muamalah backgrounds, including business practitioners and academics of Islamic economics, as well as a team of experienced in banking.

Islamic Economics Podcast

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