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Muamalah - 3 Capital Contracts

If capital is grunty, of course it is too hyperbole, business will indeed not be able to be separated from capital, a little or a lot, capital as a Muslim is the main one, plus ability and will etc., but what is discussed is capital in the form of money, the position of money is very important in muamalah, with money, transactions and contracts will become easier, not wanting to discuss the form of money and the form of media, But what contract to use if you want to get capital?

Mistakes in a contract can damage the contract, can cause enmity between the two parties, or even become null and void, can lead to sin.

Before entering into a capital contract, of course, make sure in advance what the needs are, what to buy, what to allocate, how big the nominal is and with whom you want to do the contract, the more you understand and understand the Muamalah of the party you are going to cooperate with, then God willing, the better the continuity of the contract.

After communicating and being sure to enter into a contract, here are 3 contract options in carrying out a capital cooperation contract.

Contract #1 - Profit Sharing Contract

The first option, of course, is to immediately invite them to join a company or Syirkah, but if you only want cooperation outside the company, then you can use a mudharabah or musyarakah contract.

Mudharabah contract in short, one party provides full 100% capital, another party runs the business full 100%, one party gives money with the risk of material loss in the form of money, the other party gives its ability with the risk of energy, mind and even time is used up to run business, so make sure that the owner of the capital really has the money and is ready to lose, the entrepreneur does have the ability in his field and is ready to fight, the profit sharing is in accordance with the agreement, there is no standard standard, the important thing is fair and mutual pleasure.

The second is a musyarakah contract, where both parties already have capital, but the object of the business requires large amounts of money, so just combine the capital, both are at risk of losing money, in accordance with paid-up capital, the profit sharing remains according to the agreement, there is no standard benchmark because capital If the profit is greater, the profit sharing must be large, or because you have capital and work, the profit sharing must be large, or vice versa, the most important thing is to remember before entering into a contract, make sure the things have been mentioned beforehand.

In addition to production sharing contracts, there are contracts that are commonly used by the world of economics, namely :

Contract #2 - Debt Contract

Banking gets the biggest and main capital, in essence it is using a qardh contract alias debt and credit, in Muamalah a qardh contract includes a mutual help contract, so there can be no additional compensation in any form, the rule is "every qardh contract that brings benefits is usury", so if you help, then make sure that one party really wants and is able to help, not because you have to or because you feel bad, the other party deserves to be helped, if it's for business capital, why not?

Remember that debts must be paid, don't let the business progress, instead you don't want to pay, the repayment will go to the afterlife, but also don't be radically demanding payments while the business hasn't progressed, both parties must understand very well the position of the qardh contract.

Contract #3 - Grant Agreement

Of course, of the two contracts above, the grant contract is more enjoyable, but who wants to donate the money? it's difficult but not impossible, there is, it can be from government or company assistance in the form of CSR or social responsibility assistance, it can also be from family or friends. A grant contract is a one-way contract, so there should not be any coercion that one party has to give money, but act professionally as trustworthy and expert in the field of business.


There are many capital media, it can be through proposals, stocks, fintech or whatever, the most important thing is that the contract is correct, besides the three contracts above, there are other contracts that can be used to support capital, namely pawn contracts (rahn), guarantor contracts (kafalah), hawalah contracts (debt transfer) etc. Finally, Micro and Small Enterprises do not need to hesitate, be pessimistic or confused if you don't have capital, it's called business, just try, deserve yourself, believe and be optimistic, there will always be a way as long as you can breathe, profits will be easy to achieve but clean in Muamalah is his way.

Wallahualam Bishawab

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