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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Adding Muamalah in Ramadan

The month of Ramadan, a month that is often voiced as a month awaited by Muslims, a month full of blessings, and indeed this is the case, even the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam once said:

"Indeed, Allah delivered some people from hellfire on every day of Ramadan, and every Muslim, if he offered a prayer, it would be granted." (Narrated by Al Bazaar)

The prayer of the fasting person is granted, Masya Allah, the month of Ramadan is indeed powerful. The month is full of blessings, but are the blessings of Ramadan really used by every Muslim to pray?

Maybe the majority of them use the month of Ramadan with prayers and various worship and other goodness, only a few are negligent in the month of Ramadan, but few also use the month of Ramadan to increase piety, especially in the matter of Muamalah Maliyah, even though Allah Azza wa Jalla does say about fasting:

"O believers, it is obligatory for you to fast as it was required of those before you that you may become pious people." (Al Baqarah: 183)

The Problem of Muamalah

The month of Ramadan year after year passes, but it is unfortunate that the increase in piety in the field of Muamalah Maliyah is still very concerning, some of the problems of Muamalah Maliyah include:

  • Usury of financial institutions, with all its products

  • Maysir and Gharar trading stocks and derivatives

  • Paper money without gold and cryptocurrencies

  • Corruption in various government and private institutions

  • The tyranny of the conglomerates monopolizing the market

  • Natural resources that are not yet in common ownership

  • The main sources of state revenue, taxes and usury loans

  • Not to mention hoarding (ihtikar), ponzi schemes and many others.

The threat to these problems is very harsh, even then how can prayers be answered if everything is usury, what happens may be istidraj, as if the prosperity obtained from usury is a blessing, even though the savings of torture later.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "There is a man who raises his hands to heaven praying, "O Rabbi, O Rabbi, while the food is haram, the clothes are haram, and the meat that grows from the produce is haram, then how can his prayer be answered." (Narrated by Muslim)

It is time to make choices to increase piety in Ramadan with concrete actions, namely abandoning usury, maysir, gharar etc., including echoing the deeds of almsgiving, zakat fitrah, zakat mal, waqf, debt relief, grants, gifts, kafalah, hawalah etc.

Wallahu a'lam bishawab

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