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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Muamalah - Business First or Study First?

The sentence "Learning By Doing" is often said, but there is also the sentence "Master First Then Start a Business", both of which sound true, which one do you choose?

The author himself has practiced "learning by doing", some have succeeded because conditions had to be like that, some have not succeeded because they do not know the basic knowledge. At other times, I've also mastered it before, learn first then jump in, some succeed, because they already understand the ins and outs, but some are even late, because learning takes a long time, when I start to jump in it turns out that the challenge has changed a lot.

In the context of Muamalah, in the end the author chooses to study first, then jumps in, while learning continuously, and trying continuously, Umar bin Khathab Radhiallahu'anhu once said:

"It is not permissible to buy and sell in our market, except for people who understand fiqh (in buying and selling)"

Assume that you don't understand driving a car at all, if you are desperate to practice, of course just starting the engine requires trial and error. You already know how to do it first: read the manual, someone accompanies you, someone teaches you, someone you can ask questions about, of course it can go smoother, then on the way, while asking more questions, while improving your skills again.

Therefore, if you want to try, the recipe is to learn first, keep trying, and don't be shy about asking:

#1: Study

You can learn from anywhere, the important thing is don't be lazy, shy, proud, let alone mental block, try to keep learning:

  • Continue formal education, Bachelor, Master, Doctoral - don't worry there are scholarships

  • Read books, books, articles, journals, running texts - basically read!

  • Take Studies, courses, training, webinars - free or paid? everything

  • Participate in internships, volunteers, volunteers - the important thing is the knowledge

  • You can watch Youtube too - useful content, huh!

#2: Make an Effort

If you feel you have enough knowledge, you need to put it into practice, try it right away, remember:

"Knowledge without charity is madness, and charity without knowledge is worthless" (Imam Al-Ghazali)
  1. Now you can immediately make legality, yes, immediately make business legality, the benefits are long term.

  2. Practice contracts to get capital, read 3 capital contracts.

  3. In the digital era, immediately take advantage of social media, e-commerce.

  4. Selling, but remember don't crash here and there!

"O Messenger of Allah, what livelihood is the best?" He said, "The work of a man with his own hands and every sale and purchase mabrur (blessed)." (Narrated by Ahmad)

#3: Ask

So apart from learning and trying, both of them must be accompanied by asking experts, having discussions, exchanging ideas, sharing experiences, and asking for advice or criticism, so there is no need to keep sitting studying, or trying to keep on being arrogant, like Qarun. This is the key, asking, as Allah Azza wa Jalla says:

"..., then ask a knowledgeable person, if you don't know" (Al Anbiya: 7)

It's never too late, starting from now, starting from yourself and starting from the easiest, God willing, Business Friends can continue to be profitable but stay clean with all the things, and don't forget to pray.

Wallahu a'lam bishawab

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