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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Trade - "Fake" Ways to Lure Buyers

Trading is one way to get sustenance, the more buyers, the greater the potential profit that can be obtained.

One thing that concerns merchants is how to lure buyers to come to their stores, both online and offline.

It is not uncommon for buyers to be lured by merchants with words or sentences that are "fake", for example, low prices are written prominently, but it turns out that after the buyer is provoked and wants to buy, the low price in question is an item with reject quality.

Not to mention the massive discounts displayed, which turned out to be with certain terms and conditions, so that buyers "already" bought the "fake" discounted goods.

The "falsehood" even began at the opening of the store, the merchants proudly placed bouquets of congratulations from various parties, which turned out to be paid for by the merchants themselves.

All these "fake" methods are intended to lure buyers, as if the store is bona fide, even though the "trap" is ready to welcome buyers.

Muamalah Maliyah in Islam never offers false ways of trading, a hadith from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahuanhu: "The Messenger of Allah once passed a pile of food, then he put his hand in it, then his hand touched something wet, so he asked, "What is this, O owner of food?" The owner replied, "The food was exposed to rainwater, O Messenger of Allah." He said, "Why don't you put it in the food section so that people can see it? Know that whoever deceives is not of our class." (Narrated by Muslim)

The hadith above tells of a date trader who places good dates on top, while bad dates below, this is done to lure buyers, this act is categorized as fraud, the perpetrators are warned not to be included in the Muslim community!

False ways of luring buyers are indeed widely practiced by traders today, as was done by the date traders, and even taught and transmitted by "senior" traders to "junior" traders.

It is very unfortunate, why do false methods, while honest traders have their own privileges, in a hadith from Abdullah bin Umar Radhiyallahuanhu that the Prophet Sallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said, "An honest and trustworthy Muslim merchant (trusted) will (be gathered) with the Prophets, the shiddiqs and those who are martyred on the Day of Judgment (later)" (HR. Ibn Majah).

Therefore Muslim traders and businessmen should trade or do business in honest ways, do not be afraid not to get buyers, practice good and correct theories in Shar'i, because as Muslims not only seek blessed profits in the world, but also seek the pleasure of Alllah Azza wa Jalla in the Hereafter.

Wallahualam Bishawab

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