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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Muamalah - How to Deal with Money

Money is essentially an object that is used as a medium of exchange, so depending on the user, whether you want to use it for good things or use it for bad things, everything has consequences.

Therefore it is important to know how to deal with money, so as not to fall into the wrong use or "money trap".

There are several things you need to know about how to deal with money, including:


The first thing that needs to be considered as a Muslim is of course the money must be halal. Regarding the materials used as money, basically the general situation of al-balwa aliases cannot be avoided anymore, so no debate first. What is the focus is how to get it, it must be lawful, it's easy, it must be protected from 4 elements, namely: usury, gharar, maysir and tyranny, so if faced with these 4 elements, just leave them, calm down, the sustenance of money from Allah Azza wa Jalla.

Beware of Debt

Urgent needs? Yes, you can have debt, but not usury debt! If you want to repay goods or a house or a car because you need it too, you can have debt, but not usury debt, right! If you are already in debt, let alone usury debt, then stop the debt, focus on reducing the debt, starting from a debt with high interest, while still intending and trying to pay off all the debt.

Replace or Find Additions

Many complain about lack of money, no need to panic and no need to stress, try changing jobs or businesses that are in accordance with passion, if it is in accordance with passion then making money will feel light, even though it produces little at first, but if it is done consistently alias istiqamah, everything will work out in time. You can also find other additional or side jobs, so you don't get bored with the main job, but the results are good enough to cover other basic needs such as electricity and water, the most important thing is not to disturb or betray your main job contract.


This one thing is often forgotten, instead of saving but forgetting to develop the money you have, even though investment is very important for the long term, saving is only for the medium term, because in principle a Muslim must continue to rotate his money, it is not good to keep saving. While for the long term it must be through investment, especially through the real sector, for example by placing money in other people's businesses, either through placement by project or through business capital or companies, can use a mudharabah contract, if placing in the non-real sector, do not forget to pay attention to the principles of Sharia that have been "fatwa" by Ulama, especially MUI (Indonesian Council of Ulama)


Finally, as much as possible save money, do not FOMO, but also do not be filial or look poor to avoid others who are lacking, alms is still important, helping other Muslims make their own affairs easier, online shopping is really considered, ask yourself, do you need?, is it important?, is it just lustful desire?, because frugality will have a positive impact if at any time an emergency needs occur.

Thus the way to respond to money in Muamalah is to pay attention to five things, namely: the money must be halal, be careful with debt, adjust to passion, make investments, and save without stingy.

Wallahualam Bishawab

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