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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Ibn Mas'ud: Leader of Baitul Mal Kufa

His name was Abdullah bin Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu, a Companion of the Prophet Solallahualaihiwasalam, He was the sixth person to convert to Islam.

Before converting to Islam Ibn Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu was a timid man, even to pass the dignitaries of Quraysh, He bowed his head with hasty steps out of fear.

But after converting to Islam, Ibn Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu actually fascinated the leaders, dignitaries, and nobles of Quraysh, when He chanted Qur'anic verses beside the Kaaba in the assembly of the nobles of Quraysh.

Ibn Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu became the first person to read the Qur'an at the Kaaba after the Prophet Solallahualaihiwasalam. He was a very knowledgeable person, even the Prophet Solallahualaihiwasalam once said to the Companions "Hold fast to the knowledge given by Ibn um Abidin".

Ibn Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu is also known as the most trusted person of the Prophet Solallahualaihiwasalam in keeping secrets.

Despite his small and thin stature, Ibn Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu still took part in various wars, one of which was the Battle of Badr, a war that resulted in the fall of Abu Jahal.

Against this background, Caliph Umar ibn Khattab Radhiyallahuanhu, appointed Ibn Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu, as the manager of Baitul Mal in Kufa.

The people of Kufa were very happy and grateful for the existence of Ibn Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu, even though the people of Kufa were previously known as residents who liked to rebel, always resisting.


The right person with the right track record, from the results of his journey to improve himself with Islam, is the most deserving person to occupy an important position. Ibn Mas'ud Radhiyallahuanhu is an example for all Muslims, especially those who are holding economic and financial positions.

Wallahu a'lam bishawab

Source : Biography of "60 Sahabat Nabi", Khalid Muhammad Khalid, Ummul Qura, Year 2018

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