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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Income Hijrah Steps

Hijrah is not an easy word, of course there are consequences, losing wealth is one of them, you can read back how the events of the Hijrah of the Messenger of Allah and his Companions were tough, but look at the purpose and impact, it was awesome!.

Current Hijrah can be started from Income Hijrah.

Without prejudice to respect for your struggle to meet your needs and build an economic life, but the assumption that finding what is haram is difficult let alone halal, is not a correct assumption, how can the struggle in finding sustenance which is a form of Jihad, actually make a Muslim accept disaster in the last day? Of course everyone wants a good life on earth and in the afterlife, right?.

The recipe for Hijra is commitment and consistency, obstacles in undergoing Hijra are certainly very many, because Hijra is not a mode button, just press it immediately function, immediately change, but Hijra is a journey that must be taken step by step.

But sure, sustenance like income will not stop when you do hijra, even if it is a little but yes it is still there, especially if you get a large income from halal results, it feels really blessing, proud. Without saying much, here are the Steps to Hijra Income:



  • Intend to do hijra and ask Allah Azza wa Jalla

  • Communicate with those closest to you about your intentions

  • Relearn your strengths to be as empowered as possible

Step 1: Let's Get Started

Multiply Istigfar and complete it again and perfect your worship, whose prayers like to be lazy, from now on the spirit, whose fasting is secretly eating full, from Ramadan full declaration from suhoor to maghrib, total fasting to the end, wins honorably on the Eid al-Fitr holiday. Those who remember just shopping, it's time not to forget to pay zakat.

The first step, God willing, is carried out, accompanied by the next step related to income.

Step 2: Remove Revenue from Illicit Proceeds.

You can sort out where the income is from illicit proceeds, from illicit processes, from illicit sources, take it all out to be given to people who are economically disadvantaged, currently in Indonesia there are at least 10 million extreme poor people, maybe you are one of the helpers, assuming you can still meet basic needs or emergency needs.

This second step is sure that you will remain strong and optimistic, the next step is the final but not the last, it's time to fight in a halal field.

Step 3: Work or Business + Personal Development + Friendship

Whose workplace is haram, you can immediately resign, whose company and business in the field are haram, you can immediately close. Starting from 0 (zero), moreover - (minus) is not a necessity, look for work again, business again, which is halal. Take trainings, courses, read books, take studies, or lecture again, silaturahim. Keep smiling. Stay good, pray continuously, who would have thought that later the cost, the capital, the money could be fulfilled.



Disclaimer, everyone has their own challenges and paths, which are clearly starting to step in the right direction, God willing, with the permission of Allah Azza wa Jalla you can arrive at the Hijra that leads to victory or Falah the term, winning in the world and in the Hereafter.

Wallahu a'lam bishawab

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