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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Economy - Increase Revenue 1000 times

That's the language, words and sentences used in various promotions, very hyperbolic, 1000 times. Unfortunately, many are really interested in this way of marketing, not only in matters of business and the economy, but also in matters of politics.

In one post, the admin provides a way to maximize 1000x income, how do you do it? by placing money in certain investments.

The post said that interest income from deposits and bonds should be placed back in other financial instruments such as stocks, various types of mutual funds to P2P lending, and all financial instruments that are usurious!

The financial instruments used will be more self-destructive if they use non-real financial instruments. The income obtained will actually make the economy unstable, and actually make the income more erratic and can even be lost altogether.

The character and character of usury financial instruments are indeed non-real, the interest given will continue to make money more and more circulating from something that does not exist. In short, if the entire money is circulated using usury, then the actual value of the usury money does not exist, until the money is reprinted to meet the value of usury.

Continue to run like that, over time there will be a bubble that is easily broken, the value of money in circulation or played with will always be greater than the value of the ability to produce goods and services, finally the economic crisis will soon approach.

One person who puts his money in non-real ribawi financial instruments, has the role of making the economy chaotic, whose victims then are people who do not have access to finance, thus creating a widening welfare disparity.

Allah Azza wa Jalla said Surah Al Baqarah verses 278-279:

O believers, fear Allah and leave the rest of usury (which has not been collected) if you are believers. If you do not do so, know that there will be a (devastating) war from Allah and His Messenger. However, if you repent, you are entitled to the principal of your property. You do not do harm (harm) and are not wronged (harmed)

So why get usury income which is 1000x times what he said, but later get war from Allah Azza wa Jalla and His Messenger. It would be better if you focus on what is lawful, such as buying and selling goods/services, trade or whatever it's called, but halal, because Allah Azza wa Jalla also says in Surah Al Baqarah verse 275:

People who eat (transact with) usury cannot stand up, except like a person who is staggering because of demonic possession. This happened because they said that buying and selling is the same as usury. In fact, Allah has justified buying and selling and forbidding usury.

Almighty Allah Azza wa Jalla with all His words.

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