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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Not a rare event, an economic crisis

In recent days, world news has been colored by the economic crisis that occurred in Sri Lanka, the economic crisis that led to the occupation of the Presidential Palace, reportedly the President had to flee abroad.

Actually, economic crises that hit countries in the world have occurred very often, even the worst crisis will occur every 5 or 10 years.

If we start from our own country, Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries experienced an economic crisis in 1998, five years later in 2003 the country of Venezuela turned to experience an economic crisis, five years later in 2008, the United States was hit by an economic crisis that affected the world, so that it became a global economic crisis.

Five years later, in 2013 Greece and Cyprus had their turn to have an economic crisis, then Turkey experienced an economic crisis in the next five years in 2018. The next period of world countries had to face the Covid-19 outbreak, which made the world economy even more uncertain.

As we know that the world economy tends to use a capitalist economic system or an economic system that does not originate from Islam. The usury system is applied by world financial institutions, even lending money to the state uses the usury system.

The world capital market uses the gharar and maysir system, insurance and re-insurance also use the usury, gharar and maysir systems. Money as a medium of exchange was not spared from the fragile system, using a paper money system without backing up gold and silver.

International trade and transactions must use dollars, so that the printing of dollars will continue to occur, not imagined later, if world countries do not want dollars and return all their dollars to the United States, while the currencies of other countries are very dependent on world trust.

As a result, countries that do not have foreign exchange reserves will experience a crisis, because they do not have the ability to pay foreign debt and buy their domestic needs through imports.

Not to mention if people carry out "haram" rush money actions, withdraw their savings from banks, it is certain that there will be an economic crisis, financial crisis, political crisis to a multidimensional crisis.

Economists then "interpret" the verse in the Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah verse 275 regarding usury, which states "Those who eat (transact with) riba cannot stand, except like those who stand staggering because of Satan's possession...", this verse shows that as long as the usury system is in place, the world economy will always experience a crisis / never stabilize.

Thus, the economic crisis is no longer a rare event, but a reality that must be faced with qualified adaptation, without ever solving the root of the problem, except returning to an economic system that is very accommodating and understands human nature.

Wallahualam bishawab

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