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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Islamic Economy - Start Hijra to Sharia Stocks

The word Share comes from the word "Sahm" in Arabic, meaning part of ownership, in Shirkkah if several parties give their capital, then each party has a share of shares, if in the future the company experiences losses let alone bankruptcy, then each party bears losses in accordance with the share of shares it has.

From Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu, the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, said:

Allah the Exalted says: "I am the third party of two parties in association as long as one party does not betray the other. So when one betrayed the other, I forsake both." (Narrated by Abu David)

Unlike profit, part or portion of profit is an agreement between the parties who do Shirkah, regardless of the share owned.

In its development, shares are currently securities that can be traded on the stock exchange. Some of the shares traded come from liquor companies, besides that there are also many companies that use usury loans.

Therefore, if you want to buy stocks, you can't just look at the performance of the stock, let alone just think about profits. Of course, in buying and selling shares, profit is also the first, but not the main thing, the main thing is the halal one.


Criteria for Buying Shares

  • The shares purchased are not Special Shares, in the sense that the shares are guaranteed, with a fixed percentage of dividends, and there is no risk of loss, if so then what happens is riba dayn, because in essence the contract used is a qardh contract (debts).

  • The Company's business activities are not contrary to Sharia principles, so it is not a company with gambling business, usury conventional financial institutions, liquor, or services that damage morals.

  • Under the condition that there are very few credible companies that do not have usury loans, strictly speaking, their usury loans do not exceed 30% of the company's overall capital and their usury income does not exceed 5% of the company's overall revenue.

Currently, there are many Sharia shares traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, so the opportunity to migrate shares is very large. But before buying stocks, looking at the last point, understanding financial statements is also very important.

Wallahu a'lam bishawab

Referensi :

  1. Fatwa DSN MUI No.135/DSN-MUI/V/2020 tentang Saham

  2. Harta Haram Muamalat Kontemporer, Dr. Erwandi Tarmizi, MA, Penerbit Berkat Mulia Insani Mei 2018

  3. Keputusan Dewan Komisioner OJK No.KEP-62/D.04/2021 tentang Daftar Efek Syariah

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