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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Politics - Subsidies for the People, Salaries for State Officials

When the price of necessities begins to rise, the burden on the state also rises, who is the state? There are people and there is a government, the burden of the people will certainly be affected by the increase in the price of an item, but what about the government?

Basically the current form of the state, relying on taxes to obtain its revenue, taxes paid by the people are then exchanged back by the government in the form of programs, one of which is a subsidy program, and includes paying the salaries of its officials.

Speaking of taxes, there is something interesting, some people equate taxes with zakat and jizya in the treasures of Muamalah, taxes are applied to all groups, for example a student who buys fast food, then when he pays, he is included in paying VAT tax.

While jizya is only applied to non-Muslims, even if he is able, if he is unable it is clear, it is not obligatory that the jizya is assisted by the state and other Muslims. At the same time a Muslim who is rich and has zakat, is obliged to pay zakat, nishabnya 85 grams of gold.

But what is interesting is that if it is rupiah, nishab zakat is Rp. 987.000,- x 85 = Rp. 83.895.000,- (based on the gold price as of 2/03/2022 from the website :, This value is only subject to zakat if it has settled for one Hijri year!.

From the two descriptions of jizya and zakat alone do not burden the people, because the difficult are certainly helped by the able, who have tried, it is certain that they are really capable, not vulnerable poor who live on various debts.


A subsidy is a help, if some people are difficult, to pay for electricity for example, then assisted by the government, is it called a subsidy or assistance? isn't that the government's duty to its people?, or even more ironic if there is the President's help, the President helps? isn't it an obligation?, isn't it the people who actually help the President to be able to run his government?

Ambiguity in the system is one of the causes of irregularities in every state life. In Muamalah, the people are completely free to try and enjoy their efforts, the state must not intervene, even the state is obliged to provide and manage public property such as energy, land and so on. The state owns according to its ownership, while individual ownership is guaranteed by the state.

Subsidies are indeed a state obligation, they cannot be called a subsidy burden, because they are not a burden, the people are not a burden, in fact some officials are a burden, because they continue to commit corrupt acts, after that they are imprisoned, become a burden on the state, while the money that is corrupted does not return intact. Making regulations that benefit the community, burdening the people with limited access to benefits.

Where does the government then finance everything, while the government budget is unlikely to meet everything, inevitably the name is subsidies, which cannot continue? The answer is just return three ownerships: individual ownership, common ownership and state ownership.

Salaries of State Officials

Being a state official is a big responsibility, what contract to use? For example, parliamentary officials, called representatives of the people, are they wakalah? If the contract is wakalah then the contract is non-commercial, the consequences are not paid.

But if you want to be paid, then the contract is wakalah bil ujroh if you want to be called that, in essence ijarah, if ijarah then work according to the order that pays, who pays? country, where can the country's money come from? from taxes, then from produce, to whom produce, common property, who is public property, to all people.

Is then the people entitled to rule parliamentary officials? Of course not, the mechanism is through elections, then only once after the election are parliamentary officials free to do anything? Like recruiting employees after that employees don't want to follow the orders of their superiors? Of course, the consequences must be fired or resigned.


So far, it is the people who subsidize palaces, official houses, escorts, travel, clothing, state events, vehicles, communications and so on. So far, it is the people who meet their own salaries but pay their officials. If so, is it necessary for the people to ask and ask the state for help? seems to be reversed. It is the duty of the state to its people, there is no need to wait for the people to ask for help.

Wallahu a'lam bishawab

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