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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Three Differences between Muamalah and Economy

Have you ever asked what is the difference between Muamalah and Economy?.

In short, humans in fulfilling their primary, secondary and tertiary needs or desires, both individuals, households, communities and the state, no matter how, the source and whatever the object, can be called the economy. But how to fulfill these needs and desires so as not to damage life in the world, both fellow humans and nature, and still realize that humans have been given all the assets they need by Allah Azza wa Jalla, with all His rules, that is muamalah.

So what are the other points of difference between economics and Muamalah?.

Difference #1 - Foundations of Thinking

The foundation of thinking in economics, free to be left to the whole person, willing to take from any source, willing to agree or according to experts, willing from experience or literature, free. But in Muamalah, the limited human thought, perfectly aided through the source of revelation from Allah Azza wa Jalla in the form of the Qur'an, which has been carried out by the Messenger of Allah, proved again by the Companions of the Prophet, and re-explained theoretically and practically by scholars from time to time.

This first difference is very basic, the next difference :

Difference #2 - Legal Formula

In economics the legal formula does not ignore halal or haram, all are adjusted according to the agreement, circumstances and needs of each, but in Muamalah the legal formula regarding halal and haram, merit or sin.

"O people, eat from (food) that is lawful and good from what is on earth, and do not follow the steps of Satan. Truly Satan is a real enemy for you." (Al Baqarah : 168)

Difference #3 - Purpose

In the economy, fulfilling these needs and desires is carried out by humans as much as possible, maximizing profit and satisfaction is a goal in the world, but in Muamalah the goal is not only to fulfill needs but also to realize justice in the world and achieve heaven in the hereafter.


"And We did not send you (Muhammad) but to (be) a mercy for all nature" (Al Anbiya : 107)

Thus, Muamalah is broader than economics, but the word economics can also still be used, with the term Islamic economics or Sharia economics, but that does not mean Islamic economics is only for Muslims, because the womb of Islamic economics is Muamalah that speaks of relationships between human beings, whatever religion, race, nation, or other background.

Wallahu a'lam bishawab

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