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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Muamalah - Tips for Partnering From the Beginning of Business

Getting a business partner that is in line, is not easy, but it also does not mean impossible. It's not easy because there are too many variables and factors that determine whether or not we are suitable with our business partners.

The hope is that by partnering, business can run more smoothly, faster and stronger, because of information sharing, capital sharing, capability sharing, business network sharing, to suffering sharing, hehehehe.

Not all entrepreneurs want to partner, there are some entrepreneurs that the author knows, prefer to be a one man show, even partner with his life partner (husband / wife) he does not want.

All are indeed returned to their respective decisions, but in Muamalah, partnering means shirkah, and the reward is very great, as mentioned in a hadith from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu, that the Prophet Solallahualaihi wasalam said:

Indeed, Allâh Azza wa Jalla said, "I am the third party (the Most Protective) for two people who commit shirkah, as long as one of them does not betray his partner. If any of them betray, then I will come out of them (not protect). (Narrated by Abu Daud)

Now there are some partnering tips that the author can give, including:

Tips #1 - Understanding Muamalah

Now try really when partnering, our partners understand Muamalah Maliyah, at least have a strong commitment to run Muamalah Maliyah, so even if they don't understand, later they can find out together and run it.

The first tip is very important, because without understanding Muamalah Maliyah, business can run wildly, no matter halal and haram, which in the end will only lead to hostility and disputes, aka blaming each other, while business continues to the abyss.

Tips #2 - Family Man

The Family Man referred to here is not only the one who loves his family, but our partners have a broad family spirit, both towards one company and towards the families of our respective partners' original families.

These two tips greatly determine the relationship between partners, because no matter how each other's original family will be very influential, do not let one partner feel defending his family, but sacrifice the other partner's family.

This is where each wife / husband is needed to strengthen relationships, encourage and support their partner's business in running a family business.

Tips #3 - Professional

Third, partner with people who are indeed capable, performance professionals, not mentally waiting to be asked, or mentally let others who do, or do not want to learn, even feel the most meritorious.

Work professionally, always be creative and innovate, learn continuously, and be confident in expressing an idea, partners like this need to be invited.


Approximately these three tips if you want to partner with a business from the beginning, or it can also be called the criteria that need to be owned if you want to partner. Hope it is useful.

Wallahualam Bishawab.

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