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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

Islamic Economics - Understanding Sharia Business

Sharia business is a commercial activity based on Sharia principles, which does not contain elements of injustice, gharar, and usury based on evidence, especially the Qur'an and Hadith.

Running a Sharia business is one of the objectives of the lowering of Sharia, otherwise known as Maqashid Syariah, which is to protect assets.

Maqashid Syariah consists of five purposes, namely to protect religion, protect the soul, protect the mind, protect property, and protect offspring.

In understanding Sharia business, it is actually the same as daily commercial activities, as long as there is nothing that is prohibited either in terms of methods, processes or goods or services, then the business is Sharia business. One of the principles of fiqh is "Everything in Muamalah is permissible, as long as there is no argument for forbidding it", in contrast to ritual worship "Everything in Worship is prohibited, until there is evidence that allows it".

Other fiqh rules "There is a profit because there is a risk of loss", then "Everything that brings benefits because of debts is usury", for example: in a Mudharabah contract, when an Investor provides capital to an Entrepreneur, the risk of loss is borne by the Investor, Entrepreneurs bear the risk of time, energy, thoughts etc., while the profit is in accordance with the agreed ratio, but when the Investor does not want to bear the loss, then in fact the contract used is a Qardh contract or a debt-receivable contract, Investors may not take profits, but also do not bear losses , because the essence of debt is credit, meaning that it must be returned with a mutual help mechanism.

It is not difficult to understand Sharia business, now many have applied Sharia business, ranging from trade to finance and banking. One of the positive impacts of the Sharia business is the development of Sharia philanthropy.

Wallahu a'lam bishwab

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