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Writer's pictureWimpow Panjaitan

With a Brother or Friend?

With friends sympathizing, with companions empathizing, with brother where to return, which one is more appropriate if you want to try or do business? Does there need to be a Friend price, companions price or a brother price?

The Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam a man who had many Companions, Abu Bakr Radhiyallahu anhu for example, a Companion who converted to Islam for the first time, what is meant by the Companions of the Messenger himself is who has met the Messenger, Believed, and died in Islamic circumstances. In a hadith narrated by Bukhari, from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu, the Prophet once talked with his Companions:

He said, 'If you are my Companions. My brothers are those (believers) who do not exist today and I will go before them in the lake.'

It turns out that Muslims who do not meet the Prophet, but love and follow and believe in the Prophet are the longed for Brother of the Prophet, Masya Allah.

In everyday life, the longing for you seems to exceed the longing for the Friend, but in doing business it must remain fair, whichever commercial form (mu'awadhah) and the form of help (tabarru), must be in accordance with the contract.

But what is perfect is that Islam teaches morals, both commercial and helpful, according to commercial contracts but not enslaving others, according to tabarru contracts but not offending those who are helped.

So that whether with friends or brothers, or companions, or maybe Parents, whether the contract, the transaction, the price or others, must be in accordance with their knowledge, must be in accordance with the rules, must be in accordance with their field, namely Muamalah Maliyah, so that it is fair, let alone coupled with morals, Masya Allah, perfect.

Wallahu a'lam bishawab

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