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Muamalah Consultation

Sharia Business and Finance

Gambar oleh Muhammad Faiz Zulkeflee

Muamalah consulting is divided into two, namely first consulting on muawadhah contracts, which are related to commercial contracts such as sale-purchase contracts, profit-sharing contracts and syirkah or companies. Second, consultation on tabarru (social) contracts such as grant contracts, debts (qardh), mortgages (rahn), etc., including inheritance, zakat, waqf, infaq and shadaqah.

Sharia business consulting is related to business fields that are carried out in accordance with Sharia principles, such as the business of Halal Food, Muslim Fashion, Halal Media and Recreation, Muslim-Friendly Travel, Halal Pharmacy, Halal Cosmetics.

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Financial consulting related to Sharia accounting, financial reports consisting of income statements, balance sheets, cash flow, then Sharia financing, capital, to financial management SOPs.

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